Friday 29 January 2010

13,001 reasons not to vote Conservative

"If you want to know what a Conservative Government will be like just look at our Conservative Councils".
David Cameron, Conservative Party Conference 2009

A massive 13,000 signature petition, believed to be the biggest ever presented to the County Council on a single issue, was delivered to Kay Cutts. It was requesting the Conservative administration reconsider the sale of the 13 residential homes in the County. This huge display of public concern triggered a motion at full council to reverse this Vogon policy which was "debated" on Thursday. The opposition parties made strong representations and presented a case for the motion. Kay Cutts would have none of this, treating the Council, democracy and the electorate with complete and utter contempt.

She simply sat there, ignored it all reading the Nottingham Evening Post in the chamber when she should have been defending her policy.

Was this because she knew her arguments are indefensible and after all she had previously told her puppets how to vote, so why should she care?

David Cameron has, for once spoken the truth.

1 comment:

  1. Cameron's quote could be turned into a national slogan... for the Labour party.

    What sweet irony, if Cutts' performance and Cameron's message actually led to the Tories losing in May.
