Wednesday 31 March 2010

All Quiet for the Election? SSSSHHH

More rumours are starting to circulate in County Hell about the next phase of Cutts and service cost increases. However word on the street is that the vogon has had her card marked to keep her head down while the general election looms.

The rumours are that plans are being drawn up for more changes to the library service in areas of the county as yet unaffected, with reduced opening hours in many larger libraries and possible closure of smaller sub-libraries that already have limited opening (to be replaced with the library van one a week I suppose). It is also alleged that large increases in hire costs for the use of public rooms for community groups in council facilities may be proposed, to bring them more in line with commercial charges for conference facilities. ("after all we are a professional commercial council" it has been said.)

We are told this is just the start again, and have more info in hand but any further news from parishioners to help collaborate stories circulating about the next round of Vogon axe wielding would be very useful.

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