Friday 4 December 2009

Standards are Dropping (like Flies)

You may have seen in the post that Ms Cutts is being held up on a standards board charge (see here). Well we knew this was just a matter of time. But this could be just the start. Although the Vogon article was just a joke we knew that it was too near the truth for comfort.

We have now been told that a number of other complaint issues about Ms Cutts are being brewed up, (some by let's say senior members of county staff), mainly due to her inappropriate behaviour. It just a matter of time.

We also know her tactic of calling important meetings at late notice (as reported) and it is said holding back important reports is winning her few friends.

Mick Warner former county leader got bounced following standards board claims. How long till Cutts follows him into political obscurity. (At least he supported the Child migrant trust and did not try to hide it).

1 comment:

  1. And she looks like such a nice woman... in the way that Ghengis Khan looked charming and Atilla the Hun, calm and gentle.
